Advanced Internal Ratings Based (AIRB) approaches to CRD IV compliance, can help you as a financial services organisation build the resilience and a competitive edge when it comes to managing credit risk in your business.
Understanding the credit risk of individuals and businesses in your retail and non-retail lending portfolios is fundamental to assessing the level of regulatory capital you should hold on your balance sheet. It is equally important to be able to demonstrate to the regulator that you understand and can manage the risks inherent in your lending business.
Aligns origination and customer management "decision-making" to risk.
With over 30 years of experience within the financial sector, we are constantly improving and optimising AIRB architecture to go beyond meeting CRD IV regulations, using advanced analytics to stress test your risk against a range of economic factors.
Strengthening your credit risk model and levels of capital can help you to offer the right lending policies and products to your customers, regardless of the market conditions.
Determine the optimal decision, offer, action, price or message for each of your customers.
Our analytics experts can help you understand IFRS 9 accountancy standards and how it affects loss forecasting and work with you to build and deliver a comprehensive approach to the new standards.
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