At Experian, we have developed a restructuring tool where you can save time and minimize your operational effort. Our restructuring tool uses AI and machine learning to create optimal mathematical solutions based on input variables. The tool requires specific input, such as the loan’s principal, interest rate, and initial customer credit rating, to ensure accurate recommendations.
If you need a technical walkthrough, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Our Forbearance tool is an excellent solution if you spend too much time on manual processes when your customer’s financial situation changes. When utilising our tool, you get critical answers in seconds, an optimal output, and a result based on the given data—making sure you spend time on the things and tasks that create value for your company.
We first analyse your historical customer data. Then, we run your data through our tool to ensure that our solution can be valuable to you.
Our transformation tool uses machine learning to find the most optimal mathematical solution based on a given variable. In order to provide the most accurate recommendations, you need to know the principal, interest rate, performance, loan term, the original credit rating of the customer, and the customer's updated financial information.